Kim Campbell

  • Dr. Kimberlee Campbell’s research interests include medieval epic poetry,  Renaissance travel journals, indigenous American languages and cultures, and computer-assisted language learning. Campbell’s publications include The Protean Text: A Study of Versions of the Medieval Legend of Doon and Olive (Routledge 1988) and Échos (Yale University Press 2003), an introduction to issues of cultural identity in French and francophone contexts, as well as articles on the representation of women and minorities in medieval epic. She has also published articles on Rabelais and on the history of printing in the Renaissance. She was the editor of Volume 20 of Olifant, (fall 1995-summer 1996). Her most recent work is as co-author of levels 3, 4 and 5 of Lakȟotiya Wóglaka Po, a series of textbooks for Lakota language. She is also a consultant for McGraw-Hill, Yale University Press, Canadian Scholar’s Press, Heinle & Heinle, and Houghton-Mifflin. In 2014, she received the Carmen S. Bonanno Excellence in Foreign Language Teaching Award from the Harvard Extension School. She was also formerly the Director of Language Programs at Harvard University and has worked on helping teachers develop their classroom teachers for over 30 years.